Thursday, November 1, 2012

System A

System A

System A is a catalogue of all the books I currently have on my shelf.  Not nearly half the books I own.  Maybe five of the 'coffee table books'.  And I constantly donate books that I've already read.  Rarely return any to library on time, so I love friends of the library sales and used book stores where i can get my books and feel like theyre mine and I dont have to finish at a given time.

I began by listing, the time period during which I acquired the books:

Red= inherited/ before I was born
Orange= very young
Light orange= teenager
Yellow= early twenties
Green= mid twenties
Blue= very recently

The second column categorizes the way in which I acquired the books:

Brown= given to me
Pink= purchased new
Light pink= purchased used

The third column shows which I have read all the way through:

Purple= read

I plan on furthur analysing the correlations and adding more columns...

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